About Us
A Special Wish Foundation of Southwest Ohio serves Mercer, Auglaize, Shelby, Darke, Miami, Champaign, Clark, Preble, Montgomery, Greene, Butler, Warren, Clinton, Hamilton, Clermont, Brown, Highland, Adams, Scioto, and Pike counties. Over the past 40 years, our chapter has granted over 1,800 wishes to children with life-threatening disorders. We are thankful to the many Dayton area companies, organizations, individuals and volunteers for their generous donations and support.

Why Donate?
"We’ve never seen Brock so happy and smile so much. He even kept saying “I’m happy!”

"Our entire family was happy, at the same time and in the same place. No hospital visits, no therapies. Just riding rides, taking walks, playing in the water, meeting Mickey Mouse, going to the Dr. Suess store—Brock’s dream!—and spending time with each other.​ When A Special Wish told us we could take the whole family to Disney World and that they would not only accommodate but welcome Brock with open arms, we almost couldn’t believe it. In May 2022, the five of us spent seven amazing days at Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and Give the Kids the World Village. It was the first successful trip we had taken as a family. We’ve never been accommodated like that before. We all cried tears of joy because we didn’t even know such a place existed, a place designed for kids of ALL abilities. Brock even found his little piece of heaven here on earth—a Dr. Suess bookstore at Seuss Landing in Universal Studios!"